Psychedelic Specializations

Focused Areas of Study for Vital Students

Once enrolled in Vital, each student selects one of five specialization areas to focus on throughout the course of the program. Successful students will then graduate Vital with a Certificate in Integrative Psychedelic Studies plus the specialization that they completed.

Vital Specializations

Spiritual Emergence

Stanislav and Christina Grof coined the term “Spiritual Emergence” to denote a psychospiritual crisis or emergency that offers an opportunity for enhanced meaning, revitalization, and increased personal development. This specialization examines how non-ordinary states of consciousness can catalyze both transformational and crisis experiences and how these experiences can be optimally processed.

Somatics & Trauma

This specialization helps students become trauma-informed by exploring the intersection of trauma, somatic approaches, and psychedelic therapy. Emphasizing the importance of a holistic understanding of trauma, students will master the fundamentals of trauma neurobiology, understand trauma's presentation and expression through the body/mind/energy systems, and learn how a range of somatic practices can aid trauma healing, with or without psychedelic use.


This specialization explores the emerging field of microdosing sub-perceptual doses of psychedelics, It covers the research, protocols, case studies, and practical applications of microdosing. Students will learn about the potential benefits, risks, and opportunities within personal use of microdosing as well as the implications for integrating microdosing into client work.

Depth Psychology

Depth psychology relies heavily on the work of Carl Jung and places emphasis on the role of the unconscious, archetypes, imagination, shadow work and dream interpretation. Through a comprehensive review of the theory behind depth psychology plus hands-on practice with many of the associated core techniques, this specialization promotes both personal growth and integration of psychedelic experiences.

Regenerative Business & Leadership

This specialization delves into regenerative business and leadership principles and applied practice. Students will learn about the core values within regenerative approaches and how conscious and connected leadership translates into more sustainable, resilient and equitable futures. Using psychedelics as a catalyst for self-awareness, personal healing, and collective accountability emphasis is placed on social, environmental, and ethical outcomes.


What Are Specializations?

Specializations within Vital are focused areas of study that allow you to concentrate on a specific topic of psychedelic studies. These tracks offer an opportunity for in-depth exploration beyond the general curriculum. Through focused coursework, study groups, written projects, and research, you can expand your knowledge in the niche field of your choice. Each specialization culminates with a process paper and presentation that demonstrates your proficiency and integration of the subject matter.

Why We Offer Specializations

We provide these specializations to enable you to deepen your knowledge in areas of personal or professional interest related to integrative psychedelic studies. Our specializations create dedicated spaces for you to engage deeply with advanced resources, expert instructors and like-minded students over the course of the academic program. This approach enhances your learning experience and prepares you for specific career paths or advanced study.

What Does It Mean to Have a Specialization on Your Certificate?

Having a specialization noted on your Vital program certificate signifies a higher level of familiarity and commitment. It shows that you have completed the core curriculum and invested additional time in developing advanced knowledge and skills in a specific area. This designation expands your level of expertise and could ultimately enable you to identify future goals for personal and professional development. The specialization also reflects your capacity for self-directed learning and real-world application, positioning you as a budding expert in your chosen niche within psychedelic studies.

Specialization Requirements

To successfully complete a specialization within the Vital program, you must:

  • Successfully complete all core curriculum requirements.

  • Complete a foundational essay on the topic (750-1,000 words).

  • Engage in self-study using the specific syllabus associated with your chosen specialization.

  • Take and complete the special elective associated with the specialization.

  • Reference at least 5 sources of relevant literature in your process paper.

  • Complete the specialization quizzes.

  • Present your final project showcasing specialized knowledge.

  • Maintain satisfactory academic performance throughout the specialization track.

Note: Specializations do not grant license to practice, diagnose, treat, or administer medical or mental health services outside of your existing professional credentials or scope of practice.